The Dangers Of “Wine O’Clock”

I don’t know if I’m qualified to write this, but I’m going to do it anyways. I am not a stay at home mother. I am not even female. I don’t viscerally and emotionally know what it’s like to be a woman in a patriarchal society. I don’t know, firsthand, the pressures involved in living…

An Alcoholic’s Guide To Crashing And Burning During The Holidays

  Yeah.  Holidays.  There are countless parties and events planned.  Some of them are even fun (just kidding…ouch!).  Anyways, many folks in recovery find themselves a little fazed when it comes to the overwhelming ideals of what festivities are “supposed” to look like.  For many, especially early in their sobriety, this time of year can…

How Alcohol Saved My Life

I know, strange to say on a recovery blog, but bear with me. Let me state off the top that alcohol in any way, shape or form right now would kick in my physical cravings and mental obsession.  There is no doubt in my mind about that.  If I were to swig any alcohol in…

The Bravest and Most Beautiful

I went to my sponsor’s 5-year medallion tonight.  He celebrated five years of continuous sobriety in a packed church hall.  He was surrounded by countless friends and family as people rose, read parts of the preamble and then swooned us all with wonderful adjectives and stories about the man who first helped me when I…

Broken, Unbroken

These days are a blur, in some respects.  A whirlwind and yet standing still in some ways.  Like watching a top spin on the table.  Fixed, and yet eyes lost in the swirls of motion.  I run a lot these days.  I need to.  I like to.  And when I run, my body breaks down…

Pinky And The Drain

I don’t often watch TV, but when I do, it’s kids shows.  I will gladly sit through Power Rangers, Blue’s Clues, Pokemon or anything cartoonish rather than deal with the more inane and ever more cartoonish adult programming out there (I speak more about reality shows – don’t worry Game of Thrones folks, I am…

Head Down, Follow Through

Count me in as a duffer. When I was in high school, my friends and I would golf.  Or, to put it another way, we would attempt to golf.  We’d hit the city courses, with our starchy collard shirts and rented clubs and we’d duff around the course.   Sometimes we’d actually get the ball…

Achilles, Heal

It started slowly. An pang here, a twitch there.  A subtle twist around the bend, a tightening up on the turn, a soft throbbing down the hill. Aches and pains are part and parcel of any physical activity. Running especially, considering the pounding the body gets as forces push and pull and bounce around like…

On Three Years Sober…And Chasing The Buzz

Usually when I come here to post, I have a pretty good idea of where I am going with the piece.  I have some elements, a focus, a plan of sorts.  Then I just give ‘er on the keyboard. Let the mind and spirit take me where I need to go.  Unearth some stuff as…

Who Do You Think You Are?

One of the greatest struggles I have had in my recovery so far is the question of who am I? Or namely, who am I meant to be?  And that is really what it comes down to.  Who am I meant to be, rather than who do I think I should be?  I lived a life…