An Alcoholic’s Guide To Crashing And Burning During The Holidays



Yeah.  Holidays.  There are countless parties and events planned.  Some of them are even fun (just kidding…ouch!).  Anyways, many folks in recovery find themselves a little fazed when it comes to the overwhelming ideals of what festivities are “supposed” to look like.  For many, especially early in their sobriety, this time of year can be a challenge.

But if you’re planning to go out in flames, I have some pointers.  (Note: I don’t want you to go out in flames). Consider this the anti-tip post.  Cheeky, no doubt, but the message is clear – stay on course.  If you cherish your sobriety, protect it.  That’s about it.  Don’t get me started on the whole thing of “but I have to go to so-and-so’s shindig”. I don’t buy it.  At any time of the year.  But I will save that rant for another day.

Without further ado – some of my ever-so-friendly anti-tips to a produce anti-cheer.

1. Go to every party you’re invited to.  Even the ones you don’t like. Get all Paris Hilton-like – take in all and any events, galas and campfire guzzle sessions. That midnight Kegger next Monday?  Why not?  Wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of your sister’s hairdresser’s dog-walker’s cousin now would you?  What would they think of you if you turned down that invitation? And the more uncomfortable it is, the more you need to punch your ticket to it.  They say move through your fears, right?  Well, what’s more badass than standing in the middle of a big piss up sipping on your warm, flat ginger ale while everyone dares you to do body shots with the hottie by the basement bathroom? This is time to get all social-like and be seen.  You can’t do that hiding in your Panic Room doing Panic Yoga.  Get out there – damn the torpedoes and throw caution to the wind! “No” is not in your vocabulary!  Boundaries are for warring countries.

2. Don’t have an exit plan. – What is this, Ocean’s Eleven?  What’s with the escape route?  You’re at a party.  The plan is to go there, pretend to have some semblance of a “good time” and then go home bitter and resentful.  To ensure your enjoyment further, make sure that you are depending on a ride from someone who historically likes to “close the joint down” (or have someone dependent on you alone in giving them a lift home), make sure your phone is marginally charged, don’t tell anyone where you’re going to be at (shhhh…it’s our secret!) and certainly don’t feel that you can leave at any time.  You can’t.  You’re a ninja viking…act like it.

3. Put away that damned toolbox.  Who are you, Bob Villa? Tuck that thing away.  It’s the holidays.  Ignore all the things that have kept you sober and happy until now.  Meetings, prayers, meditation, therapy, support, writing, journaling, blogging, phone calls…these are all fine during the slow season, but this is different.  There’s copious amounts of food, shiny things and people dressed up in funny costumes.  Be festive, okay?  You can always come back to that dreary supplicant stuff later.  Even the Pope has to take his boxer briefs off at night.  Live a little.

4. Host lots of expectations.  Be the Johnny Appleseed of expectations.  Litter your mind with them.  Expect others to pick up on your vibes throughout the holidays.  Expect others to read your mind.  Expect others to keep you at front of their brains.  Expect others to pander to you and any problems and struggles you may have. We all know that only alcoholics and addicts have issues around holidays, right?  Everybody else is as level headed as a Mormon on a plank (I don’t know what that means either, but bear with me).  Expect that you will be the focus of all attention this year and all will be super groovy.

Fine job, ladies.  Gladys will be exposing herself later on by the teletype machine later in the night.
Fine job, ladies. Gladys will be exposing herself later on by the teletype machine later in the night.

5. Give your peeps the night off. You know, all those people in your life who you lean on and they lean on you?  Give them a reprieve.  Don’t bother them with your “feelings” and your “fears”.  They have families too, you know.  They may be taking little Timmy to see Santa at the outlet mall that day, then buy off-sized shoes and expired cheese.  Don’t bother them.  You hound them enough during the year.  Bottle everything up and arrive at your event emotionally fatigued.  Go sleep deprived too while you’re at it.  Keep that phone off just in case someone wants to check in on you.  You don’t need to be a bother!

6. Focus on what others are drinking. Counting everyone’s drinks is a wonderful way to pass the time when you’re trapped in a corner by the IKEA KNUDSENN umbrella stand / coat hanger. Reminisce about how much you used to pound Zinfandel down and how it’s nothing like those rank amateurs who are sipping the stuff like they will never have it again in their whole stupid lives.  Fantasize about how good booze made you feel at one point and project that disappointment and remorse onto others.  But don’t think of the DUI’s!  That just kills the buzz you’re getting vicariously, right?

7. Compare yourself at every opportunity.  Look, it’s quite apparent all that cheer they talk about comes easily and naturally to everyone but you.  So just make broad assumptions about everyone and their lives while you ramp up the self-pity to 11.  They, those normal drinkers, clearly have their shit together.  You don’t and so make sure you remind yourself of that as often as possible.  And remember rule #5 – don’t bug anyone to let your “feelings” know about this.  Who knows, someone might actully show you the errors of your own thinking…but we don’t want that.  Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

Party on, indeed.
Party on, indeed.

8. Diagnose everyone else as an alcoholic. Oh we all know that Uncle Mike likes to spike his hot chocolate with Bailey’s just a little too early Sunday mornings, n’est-ce-pas? Alkie.  Boom.  Who’s next?  How about that neighbour who has a beer after shovelling the front steps every single time.  Alkie.  Boom.  What about Alice from accounting – you know, she has one glass of dry sherry too much every office party and sings La Macarena off-key.  Alkie.  Boom.  Playing “name that addict” soothes the balm of our inner discomfort and ego.  We know what it’s like, right?  Everyone else is in denial, no doubt.  Let’s take action and point it out to them.  Make a game out of it! Everyone better now? Misery loves company!

9. Ride it out, cowboy. That feeling of being uncomfortable and anxious is normal.  It’s growth, right?  The inner turmoil, the feeling that you need to leave and get fresh air, that maybe you shouldn’t be there in the first place – that’s just The Suck that we need to stuff down and march on like a good soldier.  We all know that once at the party you are there for good.  The security out front will make sure that you don’t leave for any reason other than a blazing inferno or if the hostess has run out of Doritos and needs a 7-11 run pronto.  You said “yes” to this shindig, so you’re in it until the dying embers are extinguished.  How dare you think of yourself and your sobriety at a time like this?  Selfish.  Grow a pair.

He has a pair.
He has a pair.


Now, for “proper” tips for staying alright during the holidays, check out a few of these fine folks:

10 Ways to Stay Sober at Drinking Events

Some great podcasts talking about this :


Have fun y’all!  And be safe.


80 Comments Add yours

  1. mishedup says:

    Ninja Viking!!

    Hahhaaa….this IS hysterical, and this IS also true. Well written.entertaining and holding a very deep and important message!
    Love it Paul!And recognized myself from especially, my first sober holiday season….oh the judgment, the self-righteousness, the daring, the situations i should not have been in…

    the one tool that works the very best for me is the EXIT PLAN….i always have one, always. And a fully charged phone, in case i need to a) go in the bathroom and text wildly or b) call someone from the car while engaging in my exit plan…

    lets all be ninja vikings this year…SOBER ones!

    1. Thanks Mish…glad you enjoyed it. I agree about the judgement and self-righteousness. I had it in spades too!

      I haven’t had to use my exit plans, but regardless, I always have them. Usually it’s just a simple “I need to leave – my apologies”. and that’s it. But I don’t hit many parties, events, etc. where I feel that I am in danger of any kind. I would hope that I am not there!

      Viking ninja away, my friend…lol


  2. NotAPunkRocker says:

    So much of this is true for so many of us in different types (or multiple) stages of recovery. Excellent work.

    I have to agree also with Mished on the Exit Plan being a big one. When all else fails, that one always works. Even if the exit is only temporary.

    1. Thanks J for the comments and read! I think it IS important for the exit plan. Even with time under our belts, there may be times where we get struck by something that doesn’t feel right. Knowing that you aren’t trapped is a lot of relief.

      Hope you are doing well 🙂


  3. Chris says:

    Cracked me the f*dge up! Thanks for including us!

    1. Thanks Chris – glad you enjoyed it. Cheeky, but I am not good at the proper lists…,ha ha. No problem including you – how could I not??

      You rock.


  4. Paul… lol! Totally awesome! And thanks for sharing my link! Hugs.

    1. Hey Maggie – no problem! You always have the best tips. I bow to you in that department…so might as well let the light shine as it needs 🙂

      Hope you have a wonderful day!


  5. sherryd32148 says:

    This made me LOL for reals!!! Thanks for the laugh.

    Did I know you had been Freshly Pressed?


    1. Glad it made you laugh, Sherry. It was tongue-in-cheek for sure, but hopefully it does send a message!

      And the FP – wow, that was about a year and half ago? Not sure – gotta think about it. Not sure how it happened, but it was a strange one that got FP…not one I would have picked. But then again, it’s out of our hands, yes?

      Hope you are well!


  6. I’m actually surprised I am able to type I am laughing so hard. Paul, this is classic, and needs to be featured somewhere in the Recovery Blogger’s Hall of Fame. Also? Someone needs to create a Recovery Blogger’s Hall of Fame.

    My favorite are 7 and 8, and I just cracked up again thinking about them.

    Absolutely classic.

    1. Thanks Josie. Much too kind. Hall? Ego deflation is needed!! Alert Alert! lol.

      Not as wise as your words, but said differently I guess. Thanks for this and once again it was so wonderful to hear you on the Bubble Hour. Congrats!


  7. byebyebeer says:

    Hilarious! The pictures alone made me lol, but then there’s your usual wit and reference to being trapped in a corner with the Ikea Knuddsen (that really got me for some reason). I like this angle of what not to do. Something light and refreshing about it. Couldn’t agree more about your recommendations at the bottom. I’m in the middle of listening to the Bubble Hour podcast in my car…how great to hear Josie’s voice on there! Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season.

    1. Hey did you enjoy the Bubble Hour? I listened to it live – lots of fun (I usually download it later). She did a great job, eh?

      Anyway, thanks for the kind comments – I do enjoy the satire sometimes. And the pics…well, they just flow naturally. No shortage of silly and ridiculous pics for this time of year!

      Hope you’re doing well, grey lady 😉


      1. byebyebeer says:

        I loved listening! She did great. Man, if my mind were half that sharp. It was such a great listen and i took a handful of tips for the season.

  8. jenkirk72 says:

    I believe volumes of truth can be spoken through humor….and you just nailed it!!
    Nice job!!!

    1. Thanks Jen! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂


  9. Lilly says:

    This is awesome Paul and I have to admit that I have probably been guilty of almost all of these things at one point or another in trying to stay sober through drinky times. A good reminder we don’t have to make ourselves crazy just because it’s the crazy season.

    Lilly x

    1. Hi Lilly! Been some time since I’ve seen you here. I am blessed to see you! Anyway, I think you are right about the cray cray during crazy season. I think we make things bigger than they really are and get all worked up when there is no need to. Just like New Year’s Eve – there are more people who don’t drink than we give credit to. Stay on the winning team 😉


      1. Lilly says:

        Thanks Paul 🙂 I have been quiet in the blogoverse but I’m doing well and not drinking and feeling pretty determined to make it through this crazy season sober – so all this was a good reminder. I’m trying to keep it simple, low key and quiet this holiday season. Saying no to the parties that feel too hard or too potentially tempting and hopefully using the downtime from work to work on myself instead. Wishing you a bountiful, blessed and bodacious holiday season! xx

        1. Wishing you a most wonderful holiday season too, my friend 🙂

  10. Ha ha ha! Definitely a great anti-tip post; thank you for cheering me up. I have ben wondering how I will handle my first sober Christmas, now I know! 😉

    1. Thank you! You will do fine this Christmas. The first one of everything is the tough one, but after that it gets easier, I promise you. And usually, we overthink the outcome and other people’s reactions. It’s almost never as bad as we make it out.


  11. bgddyjim says:

    For number seven I always say, “Make sure to compare your insides with everyone else’s outsides… Same concept. Also, making sure your spiritual fitness is in the crapper helps liven any party up!

    Awesome post.

    1. Ha ha…love that one. (and for what it’s worth, I am SO very guilty of doing the comparing my insides to other’s outsides when I am not spiritually fit – old habit!!)

      Thanks for being here. I am so glad our paths have crossed.


      1. bgddyjim says:

        You and me both Paul. Those old habits do die hard, don’t they?

        1. Progress not perfection 😉

          Do my best to keep them at bay. Or that is, I allow my HP to remove my char defects…I just get out of the way and act as if 😉

          Hope you have a great day!!

          Oh, and I think you might be a go-to guy if and when I decide to do a triathlon and need bike advice 🙂 (I need to learn to swim first)

          1. bgddyjim says:

            Anything I can do to help, let me know… Good luck on the swimming – I lucked out and was born part fish.

          2. Thanks. I am part sinking rock…lol.

          3. bgddyjim says:

            Now that’s funny. 😀

  12. Bea says:

    Love this post! Ho ho ho 🙂

    1. Ho ho ho…thanks Bea! We are not a glum lot 😉


  13. fern says:

    Funny stuff, Paul. I’m glad to see you’ve got your sense of humor!

    My sponsor once said if I go back out to be sure and have the first drink with him.

    Thanks for the podcast. I like those guys. They keep it real — very down to earth. I have to see how to subscribe so I get a regular dose of them. I have only heard the episode you were on (great one BTW — and this one. Shameless plug to them and you! ( :

    1. Hey Fern! Yeah, we are not a glum lot 😉

      Interesting what your sponsor said. I have heard that before but never sure what it means.

      Thanks for the plug. They’re last episode (#21) is their best one yet. They have a friend of theirs on who is a chronic relapser and he has 8 months now. Dude is funny as hell and the three of them have a fantastic conversation – lots of program talk but also funny stories a la drunk/drug alog. Hilarious at times. But great message.

      Hope you are doing well, my friend 😉


      1. fern says:

        I’ll definitely listen to the newest episode. Thanks for turning me onto them.

        What that saying means in a convoluted way is call your sponsor before you drink. Kind of loses its humor in translation. 😊

        1. Ah okay…I get it now.
          Thick skulled…lol

  14. stacilys says:

    Do I detect a little satire here Paul? Hehehe. I think Joseph did the right thing, way back in the olden days. He was a slave in a government official’s home and the guy’s wife came on to him. She grabbed his clothes to get ahold of him and seduce him. What did Joseph do, he ran the heck out of there, leaving his clothes in her hands. And that’s just it. Don’t look temptation in the face. Run as far away from it as you can.
    Great post, of course. Oh, and a very Merry Christmas to you.
    Hugs and blessings.
    🙂 ❤

    1. Lots of satire!! lol.

      Lord’s Prayer – ….lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Yikes! Temptation comes in many forms, little and not so little, but as long as I keep my nose clean and align my will with His, I can go to sleep well at night knowing that I spiritually fit. Thanks for sharing Joseph’s tale there. Love what you bring to the conversation.

      Have a Merry Christmas my dear friend!!

      Hugs and blessings back 🙂


      1. stacilys says:

        Ohhhh, and a huge Merry Christmas to you and your family as well Paul.

  15. This is the funniest post! Although it would be pretty hard to put all points to practice all at the same time!!! XD

    1. Thanks Tiffany…lol. I guess it’s a little ridiculous yes, but I have always wanted to go against the mainstream a bit (ooh what a rebel I am…lol). Glad you enjoyed it..and nice to see you!! Hope you are having a groovy December 🙂


  16. Fantastic post. Way to bring some light and cheer into a time of year a LOT of folks struggle with. I also really really love that photo of the family in sweaters. You find the best images 🙂

    1. Hey Rebecca!! Glad you enjoyed. It’s always a tough one for folks, especially early on. I figured a fresh angle would be fun. Glad no one got offended.

      And yeah, doesn’t that dude in the sweater pic look like Vince Vaughn? Craziness!

      Hope you’re well!!

  17. hurthealer says:

    Oh my gosh. So funny! Wishing you the best of times this holiday season Paul. Blessings 🙂

    1. Oh thank you Carolyn! I wish you wonderful tidings for this season. Always a blessing to see you. 🙂

  18. Paul says:

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas to you as well, Paul!!

      Blessings to you and your family 🙂

  19. Yes! I wait with great anticipation for your posts and This. Was. Awesome.

    1. Ha ha…thanks! Silly, but I do enjoy the silliness 😉

      Stay warm!

  20. lucy2610 says:

    Hang on a minute – have you turned into my mother? This sounds exactly like how we were told to behave as kids/young adults! Great post Paul, as always 🙂

    1. Ha ha…make sure you eat all your brussel sprouts too, young lady!!

      Thanks for being here Lucy and the kind comments. Always a pleasure having you here.


  21. Loved this! It reminded me of the last major social thing I went to where alcohol was plentiful and I was tense. I made sure I had an exit plan and I also made sure to tell my peeps when I was feeling anxious. The first thing one of my friends did is fetch me a glass of sparkling water so I’d have something to hold onto and so the waitstaff would quit offering me wine.

    I wonder if I’ll ever be cool enough to wear an ugly Christmas sweater vest.

    1. Hi Judith! Glad you had that exit plan! One of the things people say is to have that drink in hand. And frankly, most people don’t care what you’re drinking, but they do worry if you don’t have a glass with you! (That just happened at a small gathering the other day – I said that I was okay and she said “are you sure??” and so I said “okay, I’ll have sparkling water”. Done)

      Ugly sweater vest? Hey they have those ugly sweater runs up here – they must have them there. You can use that as an excuse 😉

      Hope you are well and thanks for the comments!


  22. Very funny!! I love it. You have a great sense of humor. I have seen some of this rationalization on some blogs.
    I will have to listen to the last podcast from Klen+ Sobr, I love funny sober podcasts to run to.

    1. Thanks my friend. I do my best within my limited means 😉

      Yeah, check out the podcast…you shan’t be disappointed!

      1. I listened yesterday during my run, it was a good one. Very interesting. I like those guys.

  23. jeffstroud says:

    Better late then never!
    I read this when it first published! Got it all. It is right there in black and white. It is the stories we hear at meetings, the stories we tell ourselves during the Holidays. All sense of soberity goes out the window and addicitive mind is the stand up comic of the moment!
    Get thee to a meeting, reach out to the new comer, spend time with old times and support systems. Our families would rather have us sober and alive, the drunk and or dead!
    Keep doing what we do the rest of the year! So you can have another day sober!

    1. You know, Jeff – I never saw it that way – the stories we hear in the rooms. It’s absolutely true! And hard to hear, especially since we know what it is we need to do but we let ego and justification creep in and then before we know it, we are down a dark path.

      And that was my point about attending everything – I would rather have someone have hurt feelings than me getting drunk again. I doubt anyone would disagree with that.

      Anyway, I hope that you are well Jeff, and hope that you have a wonderful holiday season!


  24. DB says:

    This is great! Heading back to reread some paragraphs.

    1. Thanks DB! Glad you’re here, as always 🙂

  25. Dustin John says:

    Haha I love this post. Family parties/holidays/get-to-gethers are a tough one for me. Not so much because of alcohol, more because of awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings. I hear about many families who have some pretty raging xmas parties with the bathtub full of booze and gift giving that ends in calling the cops. I’ve never experienced booze at family gatherings but I do empathize how difficult that would be for an alcoholic. In my case, that’d be like a family party were everyone was singing Christmas songs and shooting up heroin. I couldn’t even imagine how terrifying that would be.
    Thanks for all the great tips and tricks. Not to mention the sore abs. Great stuff my friend. Hope you have a fun and sober holiday to remember for years to come. Peace, love and bags full of awkward conversations. 😉

    1. Thanks Dustin! I too never had those booze soaked family get togethers. At all. Awkwardness? Sure. I never went to too many piss ups – the fact remained that my drinking was underground so there was no need for me to go to big parties so I could drink. Perhaps in the earlier years before I started hiding bottles. These days I am actually lucky not to be into parties or events which many people struggle with. I don’t hang out after work with anyone nor do I know anyone who likes to whoop it up. Most of our friends are my age and also have kids…so for all of them, the party days are over.

      Having said that, that is not everyone’s story! So hopefully those who are newly sober / clean can get through this time without too many bumps in the road – getting clean / sober is tough enough without the added pressure!

      Thanks for the read and comments – mucho appreciated!! 🙂


  26. OK……this made me laugh, For those on the other side I have a feeling they would read this and see zero humor. (What’s so funny? I don’t get it?) Thank God I wasn’t a social drunk so the pavlovian responses many others have in certain environments do not affect me; besides, I couldn’t afford public intoxication anyway. Two fifths of vodka a day and video games were my pastimes. Heck, I even worked alone. “Family” did not enter into my life until I was in recovery for some time, I’m an only child and my parents, as much as I love them, are perfect examples of everything I don’t want, so there was quite a bit of distance between us; still is.

    We do seem to live in a Jerry Springer world, don’t we? Let’s put down as many people as possible so we have little to no reason to try and be a better person, Shine the light on those that are worse than we are and we start to look normal, right? Yuck. It’s like standing on a pile of crap and proclaiming we are king of the turds. Almost twenty years in recovery now and I STILL catch myself slipping here. Leaves a nasty taste in the soul. I do consider myself lucky in the ego department for I will never change how I feel about myself (without my permission) based on someone elses opinion, good or bad. The ego is still there, no doubt; it’s simply consists more of self-judgement than anything.

    You seem to have an entertaining handle on what not to do that’s for sure. I suppose it all comes down to dropping the urge to blame and embracing the need for response-ability.

    Thanks for a wonderful article,
    With Love and Compassion, Daniel Andrew Lockwood

    1. Thank you so much, Daniel, for the warm and kind (and insightful) comments here. I needed a bit of time to digest them.

      I too was an underground, solitary drinker. The bar tabs were adding up and so were the stares from those who wondered if I was once again getting “over refreshed”. So like you, I avoided any social situations. Or, when I did go, I played safe and had only a few to make sure that they didn’t see my real drinking.

      Almost twenty years?! That’s amazing, Daniel. So happy for you. Once day I will be able to claim that! But for a guy who couldn’t imagine not having a drink for 24 hours, I am very content and happy at 3 1/2 + years.

      Ego – oh boy. I write a lot about that, because that is the true -ism of my alcoholism. I have to catch myself slipping into old ways of thinking and being…all ego and pride based actions and thoughts. There are so many ways of approaching that and from detaching. That is my major journey, to be honest. Ego will be my undoing if I am not self-aware and have the wisdom and insight from others further down the path (like you).

      Thank you again for being here. I am indebted to you for your words.


  27. k2running says:

    this is great!! Had me chuckling the whole read! 😊

    1. Ha ha..thanks for the read. Glad you’re here 🙂

  28. Truly entertaining and insightful, Paul.
    I go into parties with an exit plan…actually, I might go into everything with an exit plan 😉

    1. Thanks Michelle! My whole life was an exit plan, if you know what I mean. I still mentally have a little evacuation procedure going on at all times, regardless of the situation…ha ha.

      Hope you’re well and I guess we’ll be seeing one another at the *other* blog…lol.

      1. I can’t wait to see what you’ve written!!
        (and how you managed it in 500 words!!) xo

        1. Oh THW cut me down big time…lol. She’s sharp with that editing knife…ha ha. When do you go?

          1. LOL!
            I think I go on Sunday. I see that yours is up!
            I’ll be over to check it out. I’m sure it’s fabulous!

  29. Viatoday says:

    This is so very funny and helpful! This is the third time I’ve come back to read it for motivation. The people pleaser in “[w]ouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of [my] sister’s hairdresser’s dog-walker’s cousin[.] What would they think of [me] if [I] turned down that invitation?” Oh, I needed to hear that one! Motivated me to say no a few times already this season.

    1. Hello and welcome, Via! Thank you for being here – so glad that you found this corner of the universe…and now I have found yours. I am glad that the post resonated with you! I hope that you are well and that you are going strong in your journey. Lots of support out here, as you have seen. Glad our paths have crossed 🙂


      1. Viatoday says:

        Thank you Paul for the kind words! Yes, the support online is absolutely amazing. I likewise am so glad our paths have crossed. I enjoy yours and so many blogs! I don’t post in mine very often (writing can be really draining for me), but I read regularly and am in a small Gratitude Group where we post daily. That has been so helpful. I am feeling very resolved heading into Christmas. Again, this post of yours is just so on point and funny and it feels good to laugh.

  30. Love this! I have some real serious feedback but wil hold back. You wrote and amazing piece ans i hope others will see past the humour and take the necessary provisions to protect themselves and their hard earned sobriety. Thanka for sharing and great job!

    1. Ah Michelle! Can’t tell you how excited it is to see you here! You can be as serious as you want here. I am not usually this silly, but I like silly…lol. But I am always beyond happy when someone not in recovery finds something in what I say. It puts a big smile on my face.

      Thanks for being here…and when the hell are we gonna meet? Are you doing Around the Bay??

    1. Thanks for the reblog, Bill! I appreciate it.


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